Headshot Tips for Women

Headshot Tips for Women

A successful professional headshot takes not only a skilled photographer but the subject should also look their best for the session. I’ve put together some suggestions, focusing on headshots of women, that you can read through before your session so you will know what to expect and how to best be prepared. Through lighting, posing, and editing I can make sure that your headshot is of the highest quality. If you have any questions about the suggestions below please use my Contact Form.

What to wear for professional headshots?

It is important that you wear solid colors and well-fitting clothes. White tops as well as patterns and decorations will take attention away from your face. Looser clothes will often make you look larger. Remember, headshots need to focus on your face. Wear long sleeves because short sleeves can show skin at the edge of the shot and may be a distraction. Make sure you have proper undergarments so your bra and straps are not visible, and avoid see-through. Some jewelry is fine but try to avoid large earrings or anything that will steal attention from you.

What should I do with my hair?

Hair is an important part of your headshot. Some clients choose to see a hair stylist before their sessions. You want your hair to look good in person but also in photos. If you get your hair cut or colored, try to do it about a week before the session, as it will look more natural. Also, whether you style your hair yourself or work with a stylist, do not opt for a style that you never wear in real life. It is okay to wear your hair up, as it will slim down your face and your neck. If you have flying hair it can be addressed with hair spray, but if it is stubborn it can always be addressed through retouching.

What about make-up?

I recommend not overdoing it and going for a more natural look. As mentioned before, I don’t want distractions taking away from you. Nobody’s skin is perfect. Use make-up to enhance your features and conceal some imperfections. My professional retouching can take care of the rest. Even if you are good with applying your own make-up, consider using a professional who knows what looks best in camera. Lipstick should be closer to your natural skin color. Definitely do not use sunscreen on your skin the day of your session. Also take it easy on with the powder as my camera is very high resolution and too much powder will actually cause problems.

Skin and beauty tips

It is important to get rest, take care of your skin, and stay hydrated leading up to your headshot session. Drink plenty of water the week of your session, it will keep your body and skin happy and hydrated. If you wax any hair on your face, try to do it at least a week before your headshot, as skin can be very sensitive and can stay red in waxed areas. You could also treat yourself to a facial to make sure that your skin is beautiful and perfect. Again, do this at least a week before your session as you never know how your skin will react. You want to look confident and energized in your headshot, so try to get the most rest you can the night before your headshot.

I hope you enjoyed my tips. I want you to be able to get the best professional headshots from your session with me. Again, if you have any questions, please reach out to me and I will be happy to answer any questions.